Réalisation de plusieurs illustrations sur le thème du Philosophe français Pascal pour la revue L’Éléphant
Réalisation de plusieurs illustrations sur le thème du Philosophe français Pascal pour la revue L’Éléphant
Several illustrations on the theme of the French philosopher Pascal for L’Éléphant magazine.
« Blaise Pascal ou les monopoles du coeur » by Jean-Christophe Blondel
For the thinker, there is a truth superior to reason. The only authentic knowledge we can have of God is through revelation.
Four hundred years ago, one of the three greatest minds of the 17th century was born. Alongside Baruch Spinoza the Dutchman and René Descartes the European, Blaise Pascal epitomizes what it was like to be a thinker in France under the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. In those days, it would have been impossible to be a philosopher without being a scientist, i.e. a mathematician and a physicist; all three were also sufficiently seasoned theologians to give the religious authorities of their century a run for their money. Last but not least, they were outstanding technicians. Pascal, for example, is known not only for designing experiments crucial to the discovery of atmospheric pressure, but also for building the very first calculating machine and inventing the first public transport system in Paris.